The Return of the Attarians- A Short Story By a 14 Year Old

So, due to the positive response to my last post, I have decided to type, let’s say, the second chapter of this short story. For reading chapter 1, click here.

For those who are new to this story please keep in mind that I am not 14 now. Please forgive me if you see any grammatical mistakes 🙂

You can comment and tell me if you like this story and want this story to go on, or even if you don’t like it. It will make it easier for me to decide whether I should keep on writing this story or not.

The Return of the Attarians

Chapter 2

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“Why are you so angry? He looked like a good person to me,” he said.

“Well just leave this topic,” I said.

“Oh, no. I completely forgot to tell you. Your mom called. She told my mom that they are going to Newyork for some reason, so you’ll be staying here with us,” he said.

“Oh no!” I said sadly, “At least she should have talked to me about it.”

“What do you mean by ‘oh no’, Sera?” he asked me while trying to read the expressions on my face, “We’ll have a lot of fun. We can play video games, we can go for skating, we can…..”

“Yeah, but….” I protested.

“We can even go to meet that guy.What was his name?” he said, “Yeah, Array.”

“I don’t wanna go out there and meet anybody,” I said. He totally knew how to annoy me.

“Ok, then we’ll go to Serena’s house,” he said and looked at me as he was expecting a reply of some kind.

Yeah, he knew that I really liked hanging out with Serena. Excitement rose inside me.

“That will be fantastic, Joe” I remarked, “..and Serena, and Maria. It will be exciting, Joe.”

“That what I wanted you to say,” he said and smiled. “I am very tired. I just want to go to bed.”

“But I think your mom is waiting for us at lunch,” I reminded him.

“I completely forgot,” he exclaimed.

We ran towards the dining room.

“Hi, you kept me waiting for a very long time,” she said while looking at him with love.

We had a very fine conversation and very nice lunch. The lunch consisted of Italian food and his mother was kind enough to bake her special cupcakes for me.

“Let’s go to see Array,” he said as soon as we entered his room.I think it’s because of the sweet cupcakes. They have acted like an energy drink on him.

“Not again,” I whispered. A whisper that was drenched in annoyance.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing. Let’s go.” I replied.

We ran towards the backyard door. He opened the door. The backyard was replaced with a desert like place. I could see the ugly looking huts everywhere. My observation was hindered when someone suddenly touched my shoulder.

“What’s up?”

I turned to see who was that. I saw a boy of our age. He had very different features.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am Abbay,” he replied and shifted his gaze towards Joe. Joe was a tall fair boy. He had brown almond eyes and silky brown hair. The thing that was most prominent on his face was his big round ‘Harry Potter’ glasses.

“Hey, you look interesting,” he said while his eyes moved from me to Joe and Joe to me,”I love chickens!”

“Wait, what?” I asked pushing Joe away from him.

“It’s just that I like Americans. Especially the white and fair ones.”

“Oh, I am glad to hear that,” I said trying my best to hide that I was annoyed by this encounter. “Joe! I am not feeling well. Can you come with me for a second?”

“Hello, I am Joe,” he said completely ignoring me.

To be continued…..If demanded…

The Return of the Attarians- A Short Story By a 14 Year Old

Yeah, you are right, that 14 year old was me :p (Well, I am a university student now) , and believe me there were billions of grammatical mistakes in this piece of story that I found out while cleaning a cupboard. I hope you will enjoy reading it or you’ll thinks that it’s stupid!

Hey, english isn’t my mother language. I am a Pakistani, remember. So, please forgive me for grammatical mistakes.

The Return of the Attarians


Well, what are you doing Joe?” I asked Joe as he was making a small car. He was always doing things like that and this was a thing that annoyed me the most.

“See. This car can move with a speed of 200 kilometer per hour,” he replied excitedly,”Isn’t it great?”

I didn’t like this question because I was never very interested in his little inventions, but I had to say, “Yeah, it’s fantastic.”

“I am feeling very tired,” I continued with such expressions that I knew would make him reply the same,”So, we should go to your room because you have an air conditioner in there.”

“Hmm, ok. Let’s go!” he said taking his newest invention in his hands.

His room was as scientific as he was. There were hundreds of cars, clocks, etc hanging here and there. I, myself, was quite girlish. You know, living in the world of castles, with long gowns, and hundreds of servants. I was always living in my imaginations, while he was practical.

“Please, wait here.” he said opening his backyard door.

“All right!” I replied while sitting in the couch.

“Oh my gosh!” he said. I waited for him to return, but then came a scream, “Sera!!”

I ran to the door but he wasn’t there. So, I stepped into the backyard.

“Sshh!!” came a voice. Joe’s voice.

“Why were you screaming?” I asked without giving him a chance to speak.

“I have seen ten strange people,” he replied and pointed.

“Hello,” a man came to us. His face was pale. His eyes were big, and he had wide lips. He was a feet taller than us. I didn’t like him much.

“How did you come her?” I asked.

“I’ll explain it all to you later on,” he replied with a very loud and grave voice, “By the way, I am not alone. I have many friends in there.”

“But…” I suddenly received a kick on my leg from Joe and I reflected, “Well, It’s nice to meet you.”

“I am also very glad to see the faces of modern age people,” he replied, “You two can come to our home. Our land is beautiful.”

“Thanks. Will you tell us about your land?” said Joe. I knew that he would be glad to accept such an invitation.

“Yeah, sure!” replied the man, “My name is Array. You can give my reference to them.”

I didn’t want any any more conversation, so I pulled Joe back into his room.

“You are silly,” I said,” We don’t even know who they are and what they are doing in your backyard and you..and did you pay attention to the word ‘modern age’?”

“That was very interesting!” he replied.

“Interesting? Now, what kind of interest do you have with the word MODERN AGE???” I asked angrily.

“It’s nothing to worry about, Sera,” he said trying to pacify me. He ran to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water in his hands.

To be continued…..If demanded…..

P.S: Ok. I am tired of typing and correcting this. Its like a short novel. I am just so tired today.

Please comment if you want to read more or even if you don’t.

I Have 100 Followers At Last!!!

Happiness is bursting out of me 😀 Hey, I have 100 followers. Oh, I am so excited!!!


I want to thank God. I want to thank all of those who appreciated me and inspired me to write this blog and to make it better. I want to thank all of those who corrected me and guided me. I wanted to thank all my followers. 

Oh my God, I am just so happy!!!

I am trying to improve my blog and make it more successful. See, I have made a new header. Or rather my first proper header :-p. Please do tell me if you like it (or even if you don’t).


I have also made my blog’s personal signature.

my signature

I have been slow at having followers because I don’t write frequently, but in the last two months the number of followers increased from 30 something to 100. I hope that I get more followers.

I am just so excited that I don’t know what to write in this post 😀

I just hope that all my followers keep on reading my posts and liking them. I also hope that you don’t hit the unfollow button. 

“Which One Do You Feel Comfortable to Communicate With, Speaking Or Writing?”

This question was originally asked by my English teacher during one of our classes.  At first, I got confused because I wasn’t asked ever before to choose between speaking and writing, but then I made my choice and replied, “Writing, of course.”


Well, I can say that she was quite surprised when many of us answered that they feel comfortable with writing. She, herself, as I could see by the look on her face, prefered speaking over writing.

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She told us that speaking is easier and better because of many reasons. I am listing only a few of them.

  1. Speaking requires gestures only and you don’t have to waste a lot of words to explain you emotions.
  2. You can shape your words by adjusting them to the mood of your listeners. You can even change your way of speaking to be more convincing. You can defend yourself, whenever required.
  3. No Punctuation is required.
  4. You can communicate in two way manner. You can observe the response of the audience to what you are communicating.
  5. Speech has its own grammar. So, you can be easy at grammar usage. For example, you don’t have to use complete sentences at times.

I said that I feel comfortable with writing. Maybe it’s because I love writing. I am very shy in formal settings, while I am very confident in informal ones. So in formal setting I can communicate better in writing. I mean I love to express myself through colorful adjectives. I also feel that through writing I can communicate my ideas more effectively, and more confidently.

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The best thing about writing is that you don’t have to see the faces of your listeners. You can communicate without caring for the response you’ll get. Writing makes you more brave. I love that writing has a structure and organization. You may not think before speaking, but you think before writing, so there are fewer mistakes. 

It’s also easy to settle disputes and say you’re sorry through writing. You can say sorry to a friend who doesn’t even agrees to talk to you in school by texting her a long and elaborate apology with a lot of plzzzzzz….. Trust me, I have done this before and it is effective. 

Writing provides evidence. You can keep copies and do not have to worry about getting trouble for something that you didn’t do or say.

But,I do love speaking too. I love speaking in informal setting, such as in friends, class fellows and family. I love making new friends and I usually don’t have any trouble doing that. I am also trying to love speaking in formal settings. To express my ideas more confidently and fully.

Although I am a very talkative person, I feel uncomfortable with speaking in formal settings, such as in front of guests, in presentations, etc.

So, till the time that I become confident, I definitely love writing. Although I am good in public speaking, I would like to get better at it.


Take this poll or comment to tell me about your choice.

Not Expected From a Hero…………

“So, you want him to fight and make his way out of prison with a knee that has been shot?????” my mother said, when I complained to her that the hero of “Legend”, Day, is not at all heroic. I told her,“You know, he was like fainting and June (heroine) had to drag him along by placing his arm on her shoulder. She had only a few seconds to escape and he was no help at all. What kind of hero does that?”

My mother was right. He may be a hero, but that doesn’t means that he is not a human. A human feels pain. We can’t deny that. The truth is by watching all those movies, one unintentionally thinks like that. We always see in Bollywood movies that the hero gets up even after receiving three bullets (so stupid. Isn’t it?).

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In Day, I find all the qualities that may not suite the idea of a hero. Such as, despite having muscular built he looses a fight. The way the writer describes it makes it look alright. She brings in the human factor. First, he is only fifteen. Secondly, he has not been properly trained. He has a great mind, but even a great mind needs tutoring and he didn’t go to school after 10 years of age. Justified, isn’t it?


Another thing we hate in a hero is that he is driven by his emotions, not logic. Day and Four are the two people that I have witnessed with this fault. I mean in the first two novels of “Divergent” series , you find Four being brave and powerful, but in the third one, you find him weak because his emotions overpower him at some point. Day’s behavior is justified again as he is only 15. Practically a kid.

Well, if you ask for an invincible hero. Jace Herondale is that hero. However, after reading about Will Herondale (The Infernal Devices), I started disliking Jace because he is way too perfect. May be I am not happy in any case.


Well there are many things that we like about heroes. For example, I like that in the end of Spider \man movies, the villain asks forgiveness from spiderman and spiderman forgives him. In a nutshell, these ideas are completely my own. You may know heroes better than I do,  and you may not like my judgement. So, this is what I think of heroes. What do you not expect from a hero???? 

Young Adult Dystopian Novels……..How Do I Analyze them??

Who doesn’t love dystopian novels?? At least, I know that I do. These novels are full of action and are so addictive. They benefit us in ways that we can’t imagine. They give us the sense that every individual has power and has the tendency to bring change in their system. Dystopian novels inspire people to question their authorities and not to follow any system blindly. Systems are to be followed, if and only if  they follow certain standards of morality and ethics. Too much good talk, eh? Now lets see “the faults in our novels” 😀


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First and foremost, do children or young adults have to be the ones to read these novels? I mean there is so much bloodshed, use of weapons (Guns, Knives, Bows, etc.), and rebellious behavior. Its very natural that young people are at an very delicate age. These books give us a sense of being continuously at war (take Divergent Trilogy for example. There is  war in each of its novels). When we don’t have any thing to rebel against, its our parents that have to face our rude behavior. We think our rights are being denied and we rebel against things that are good or beneficial for us. 

Even I, who am quite a dependent girl, like this rebelliousness. I was so amazed by my own behavior when I read Delirium trilogy. In the first book the main heroine was shy, delicate, stressed, worried, and dependent and I was like, “I don’t like her. She is just like me!!”, and ” What’s the fun in that?”. In the second novel, however, she turned rebellious. She knew how to use guns, open locks, etc. Then, I liked her and on some of her dialogues I would say, “This is incredible.” So do you get my point??? 


I was once asked that what do you learn from reading novels. I replied that for shooting for a long distance you exhale and for shooting at a nearer target you exhale (I don’t know if either of these statements is correct because I don’t clearly remember my answer).



Secondly, I see that in such novels, and many other young adult novels, the writer’s build up characters do not act as people do in that age. I mean you know four right. Can you imagine in the movie an 18 year old four??? I can’t. I know that his situation molded him into this but the skills that he had and his seriousness, I don’t think any 18 year old can do it. However, the ages of characters of The Hunger Games were agreeable.

Lastly, sometimes reading so much destruction and bloodshed makes makes the reader  irritable and rude. Mostly I seek company in novels, but sometimes they give me a severe headache.

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Don’t you think that we need novels that are a bit lighter. I mean why should children be shown a destructed world. Why be pessimistic, rather than optimistic about our species? We can show a world without violence and this may give good moral lessons to young people. Novels like Jane Eyre. I have moved on from this genre of novel. I feel that these stories are foolish. There is always a 15, 16, 17 or 18 years old hero and heroine saving the whole world. To me, these novels should be read, but at an age such as above 16. Early teenager shouldn’t be given these novel. Do you agree with me?

What is my hobby???Obviously reading!

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I was in 5th grade when my mother gave me a novel of Enid Blyton. She gave me this novel so that I could improve my English speaking skills and creative writing. After Famous Five, I read R.L. Stine’s novels. Then Harry Potter, Hunger games, Divergent, Pride and Prejudice and so many more.  Reading  is my hobby. Reading helps me to get rid of stress. It keeps me for a limited time in a world other than my own. Whenever I an reading a novel, from its start till its end I feel light and happy.  But its not like I am reading novels all the time. I just vigorously (really I read a trilogy in nearly a week on my laptop and then I was having a headache for many many days) read novels in the beginning of the semester and after  week or so I stop touching any novel.


images (1)There has always been a query in my mind. How do people get inspired by novels? I mean I read Alchemist but its not like I changed because of it, but I do know some people who do get inspired by it. Although I don’t get inspired easily, I was inspired by a religious Urdu novel.

Now that I am addicted to novels, my mother often tells me that she regrets the day she handed me that novel :-D. She knows every story that I read because I share all of them. Although she wasn’t interested in Harry Potter, she knew all the story by heart. I even caught her telling my father about the disparities between the books and the movies. Sometimes I get astonished when someone tells me that I told them something. It’s because I am way to talkative and try to share the things I like with (1)

Moreover, I am trying to develop interest in books and newspapers. I also check the blogs that I follow. I love information. Anyway here is a poll, please participate if you can.