The Versatile Blogger Award

Is this my first award? Yes. Did I just got nominated? Well, no. I was nominated by Lauren in January. Yes, I know I should be ashamed, but at that time I didn’t know how to respond to it. I had this fear and hesitation from answering awards. Well, now that I have observed other bloggers getting and answering awards, this fear has vanished to some extent.

Thank you Lauren for nominating me for this Award.


Note: Lauren’s blog got hacked, so now she writes here.

The rules are as follows:

1. Show the award on your blog.

2. Thank the person who nominated you.

3. Share seven facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 blogs.

5. Link your nominee’s blogs & let them know.

Ok, now here are some facts about me.

1. I am an open book. My family knows my secrets before I do. Usually, I have all my expressions written on my face.


Thats me.

2. I love reading novels and books. I have this secret wish to collect all the knowledge in this world.

iheartbooks (1)

3. I am strong lover and believer of moral values. I don’t cheat. I don’t lie. I don’t break a queue. I don’t copy paste (usually) in an assignment. It’s just not in me.


4.  I am very selective with food. I don’t eat meat, bitter gourd, fried egg…,and so on. My mother really gets annoyed with me on this. She tells me that I should be able to eat all vegetables, as everything has its own benefits. Other than food, I am not picky at all.


5. I love my religion and I hope to progress in it, InshaAllah.

6. My mother is my bestest friend (yes, I broke a grammer rule for her). I share everything with her.


7. I am hopelessly extrovert. If I am happy, I have to share it with everyone I love and care about. And when I am sad or worried, well everyone knows that. I am a social butterfly.


So, here are my nominees.

  1. Natasha at thisisnatadrill
  2. The Hidden Prestige
  3. Hananon Blog
  4. Huma at HumaAq
  5. Shirin at EverShirin
  6. Taaliah at SmallGirlinaBigWorld
  7. Brey at OrdinaryAdventures
  8. Bushra at Ansarallah
  9. TAFMArgerie at TheAmazayssenFabulyousMargerie
  10. Astrid at InfiniteJoy
  11. Damyanti at Daily(w)rite
  12. PaperBackDiscovery
  13. Amy at VogueInfatuation
  14. Stephysweetbakes
  15. K.L Register at TheNinthLife

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